Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why Everyone Needs to See: "28 Weeks Later"

The Basics                                     Cast
Genre: Horror/Survival Horror                                               Jeremy Renner/Rose Byrne/Robert Carlyle
Director: Juan Caros Fresnadillo                                          RT:(70%) IMDb:(7.0) MC:(78%) 
Run Time: 1h40m
Opening Week: $9,800,000
Release Date: May 11th, 2007

28 Weeks Later is the sequel to the 2002 breakaway film, 28 Days Later. The story picks up, as the title implies, twenty eight weeks after the first transmitted infection of The Rage Virus. In other words, 28 Weeks Later is set twenty eight weeks after the break in at the animal testing lab. As opposed to waking up and facing the apocalyptic nightmare of an eradicated England, the story of 28 Weeks Later brings us back to the shattered nation of England as it slowly, but surely, begins to pick up the pieces cast aside by "Rage" and The Infected.
Why Everyone Needs to See: 28 Weeks Later
-Those who have seen "28 Weeks Later" are quick to pass judgement, how it is an utter failure in the face of its predecessor. That's only because the last thing "28 Weeks Later" should be compared to is "28 Days Later". In so many ways, the films couldn't be more antithetical to each other.

Abandonment, apathy, betrayal, selfishness, and pride, especially at the perverse degree 28 Weeks Later subjects us too, would never of even crossed the minds of Jim and Selena. 28 Weeks Later in this aspect is a very different, and in some rights more haunting, nightmare than 28 Days Later. While London may be growing back to its full population once more, in regards to something one could actually define as "humane", the streets are just as barren as the ones Jim strode down before. This new, apathetic human nightmare, is the real monster chasing us in 28 Weeks Later.

Don is the characterization of this affliction; while bitten nonetheless, he becomes something darker than the "Rage" that cast the world into this Hell in the first place. Don is the product of a scarred world. Even though her survived the onslaught at the shack, he is far from living. The vice that let him escape such a bloody death, is a soulless evil that will follow him to London, and consume the entire city with it. Even though 28 Days Later itself had an element of human evil about it, the core of the issue was still the infected. In 28 Weeks Later, for all intents and purposes the infected are only catalysts for the evil people unleash on each other.